hold up there partner! this blog post is still a work in progress!

if you notice this post ends abruptly or seems to be missing something, it probably is! i'm still working on writing it.

so, until it's finished, it won't be linked in the archive, and the file name is subject to change (as i might release it on a different date!)

mini blog updates

hii so this should be a shorter one hopefully, mostly just notes on stuff i've changed, what i intend to do with this page, etc! hopefully.

recent changes

so unfortunately i'd noticed that my site was having an issue where the theme would take a split second to load in, and this would cause a flash of light pink theme before loading the proper theme.

this issue is now fixed! i needed to put the "theme" script in the head element of each page, and the script needed to load the theme itself instead of being called by the body element.

i really hope this issue did not cause any serious harm while it was present. i hope to avoid any issues like this in the future, especially on the main pages. accessibility is something i care about quite a bit and i'm always looking to do better.

going forward

so, now that that issue has been addressed, there's another question i feel i should consider.

what am i even doing with this site? what's the big idea?

so,, i'm not 100% sure. at the moment it's the hub for my contact information and such, which honestly is all it needs to be, but i think i'd like to use it to host a portfolio of sorts!

i'm considering using it as a devblog for my coding / game projects as well, but i'm still not 100% certain about that, since moonstruck already has its own devblog on tumblr (so i would have to move all that stuff here), and my other projects are much more experimental generally.

i'm also loosely considering hosting my toyhouse codes on here, potentially with alternatively styled versions for non-toyhouse purposes! but we'll see!!

but anyway...

in the future, you can probably expect to see some more prototype pages up on here as i figure out what i want to do with this site! ideas right now are an image viewer / lightbox type thing, but i'm sure there are more thoughts i'm forgetting. i may also talk about work i'm doing over on github? idk lol